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The Creation of IGNORANCE and APATHY

People who don’t believe in Karma hasn’t thoroughly considered the CONSEQUENCES OF IGNORANCE AND APATHY. It is with that thought in mind:I don't expect the masses to see the things I have seen that I know to be TRUE. I write that because I have always been told by many Elders that I would see things that others cannot see UNTIL IT HAPPENS! #divine #awakening #meditation #enlightenment #mind #yourlife #soul #wellness #stronger #health #harmony #motivation #happiness #everything #authentic #psychology #leadership #teach #fearless #wisdom #peace #energy #inspiration #truth #purpose #control #reach #justice


An addendum:

Some of our Enlightened Elders are experiencing a huge shift of consciousness along with an awesome multiversal interdimensional metaphysical transformation.Those who remain confused by our authentic identity will feel:

Interdimensional entanglements

Loss of concentration

Uncertainty about purpose and goals of our physical existence.


“We are co-creating spiritual beings, inhabiting physical bodies, to have occasional human experiences of multidimensional creation and manifestation.”


After Visiting The Lynching Memorial Site in Montgomery Alabama, I KNOW every family in Brown Skinned Uniforms Have Been Through TERROR!

An addendum:

This portions of text quoted here are from Chapter 7, titled "POPULATION."On page 167 of the book, under the sub-heading "Ends and Means of Population Policy," appears the following analysis (emphasis in original):

[T]here is no doubt that the overwhelming majority of white Americans desire that there be as few Negroes as possible in America. If the Negroes could be eliminated from America or greatly decreased in numbers, this would meet the whites' approval -- provided that it could be accomplished by means which are also approved. Correspondingly, an increase of the proportion of Negroes in the American population is commonly looked upon as undesirable.",offset=80?fbclid=IwAR1BK6Rwh6E1UPSSiob08PsXIoqjB9KQWNbWG9HtiVLeFwWw_Gqln9Z2u8w


Last edited by SpiritualONE, 6/15/2021, 8:01 am


8/2/2008, 6:33 pm Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: The Creation of Whiteness

I don't expect the masses to see the things I have seen that I know to be TRUE. I write that because I have always been told by many Elders that I would see things that others cannot see UNTIL IT HAPPENS! #divine #awakening #meditation #enlightenment #mind #yourlife #soul #wellness #stronger #health #harmony #motivation #happiness #everything #authentic #psychology #leadership #teach #fearless #wisdom #peace #energy #inspiration #truth #purpose #control #reach #justice#PropheticallyEnlightenedElderDr.E.



6/15/2021, 7:45 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: The Creation of IGNORANCE and APATHY

My greatest awakening that destroyed the tranquility of my ignorance was the day I discovered that many people really don't care about the truth. In fact, they have been TRAINED to ONLY believe the LIES that their teachers/preachers have taught them.,offset=30


"The Chemtrail Conspiracy
By Jim Marrs

The chemtrail issue is to me one of the most puzzling conspiracies going. To begin with, unlike most, it is not hidden. It is in plain sight. All one has to do is look up and take note of the long-lasting crisscrossing trails high in the atmosphere. Yet many people refuse to notice and when they do, they, shrug off the phenomenon as simply aircraft vapor trails or, more correctly, condensation trails.

Condensation trails, or contrails, have been a fixture in the skies since World War II when high altitude bombers would leave a trail of condensation behind their engines.

Any aircraft engine, jet or piston, produces warm, moist air which, when injected into the cold dry air of the upper atmosphere, results in a trail of water vapor or ice crystals that stream out behind the craft. Once these particles return to a cooler state, they evaporate back into the air. This vaporization can take place within 10 seconds or stretch to more than an hour depending on the temperature and humidity in the atmosphere. Since contrails primarily contain water, they present no real hazard to the population. Contrails do not normally occur under about 30,000 feet.

Chemtrails present another story. These trails do not evaporate but spread out and eventually form a cloudy haze over the entire sky. As World War II veteran David Oglesby noted after observing chemtrails in the sky above his California home: “The trails formed a grid patter. Some stretched from horizon to horizon. Some began abruptly, and other ended abruptly. They hung in the air for an extended period of time and gradually widened into wispy clouds resembling spider webs. I counted at least 11 different trails.”

The official debunking line that all observed trails in the sky are simply condensation trails falls apart when, as described by numerous observers, a short contrail and a lengthy chemtrail are seen simultaneously in the same portion of sky and at approximately the same altitude. As one Above Top Secret forum member put it: “Keep looking up and you’ll eventually see contrails and chemtrails side by side in the air and once you see two planes of similar size laying trails at the same altitude and they don’t match, then you know something is amiss.” Another asked, “How come one day there are numerous trails crisscrossing each other in the sky but on the next day, with no change in the climate, there are no trails in the sky. Did all aircraft suddenly stop flying?”

A Harvard School of Public Health study determined that respirable suspended particles can be inhaled and can transport carcinogens and other toxic substances deep into the lungs resulting in respiratory illnesses like bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma.

High levels of Barium, along with aluminum oxide, already had been identified among the contents of chemtrails by tests. During a three month period in 2002, three separate rainwater and snow samples from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, were collected and submitted for formal double-blind laboratory analysis. Therese Aigner, an accredited environmental engineer, found significant amounts of barium, aluminum, calcium, magnesium and titanium in the samples, all of which had a verified chain of custody. Ms Aigner concluded that that the consistency of the findings indicated “a very controlled delivery (dispersion) of chemtrails by aircraft in your area.” She added that whoever was responsible for the chemtrails was violating more than a half dozen federal laws and regulations.

A 1974 classified study made by the U.S. National Security Council under Henry Kissinger in 1974 entitled, “National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” This study, also known as The Kissinger Report, stated that population growth in the so-called Lesser Developed Countries represented a serious threat to U.S. national security. The study was adopted as official policy in November, 1975 by unelected President Gerald Ford and implemented by Brent Scowcroft, who had replaced Kissinger as national security adviser. NSSM 200 outlined a covert plan to reduce population growth in Third World countries through birth control, war and famine. Then CIA Director George H. W. Bush was ordered to assist Scowcroft, as were the secretaries of state, treasury, defense, and agriculture.

In a 1981 interview concerning overpopulation, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and ranking Council on Foreign Relations member Maxwell Taylor, after advocating population reduction through limited wars, disease and starvation, blithely concluded, “I have already written off more than a billion people. These people are in places in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. We can’t save them. The population crisis and the food-supply question dictate that we should not even try. It’s a waste of time.”

Voicing the same philosophy as Taylor and other globalist members, England’s Prince Philip in People magazine stated, “Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We're in for a major disaster if it isn't curbed— not just for the natural world, but for the human world. The more people there are, the more resources they'll consume, the more pollution they'll create, the more fighting they will do. We have no option. If it isn't controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war.” Years later, Philip mused, “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”

Supporting this eugenics policy of involuntary depopulation was a young academic who helped anti-natalist guru Paul Ehrlich and his wife Anne write the book Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment. This work states, “If some individuals contribute to general social deterioration by overproducing children, and if the need is compelling, they can [could] be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility – just as they can be required to exercise responsibility in their resource-consumption patterns….” The book went on to express the desire for “a Planetary regime” for controlling all human economic activity and interactions with the environment. The authors suggested the “power to enforce the agreed limits” on population growth by whatever means necessary. This includes involuntary sterilization, abortion, or even mass involuntary sterilization through the infiltration of sterilizing agents into public water supplies and even into the air.

The young academic who helped author this call for involuntary population reduction was John Holdren, now the US “Science Czar,” advising President Obama on science matters.

So, it appears that the chemtrail issue has become less of a philosophical concern and more of an urgent self-defense issue.,offset=10

The World is Getting DAMAGED by people who wants to control it.




6/15/2021, 12:45 pm Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: The Creation of IGNORANCE and APATHY


“American society can be described as crimogenic because it denies its commission of these sins, and to add insult to injury, attempts to rationalize and justify its sinful behavior toward Afrikan Americans by impugning and slandering their ethnocultural origin and character, blaming them for their socioeconomic, sociopolitical oppression, and by continuing to actively oppose their inherent right to be free, self-defining and self-determining.”

Dr. Amos N. Wilson.,offset=20


6/17/2021, 4:48 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: The Creation of IGNORANCE and APATHY


Being EXPOSED to Fraudulent and NEGATIVE information CONSTANTLY will cause, in time, a targeted population TO VIEW their life in a untrue way. By being unable to refute or confirm the constant negative information about themselves, they will become weary and fatigued by them. The constant humiliating messages unconsciously influences how the targeted population perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves, and even eventually fighting among themselves.

*This is actually a common practice among the white ruling elites. Throughout history whenever the ruling white elites wanted to control a Black population the first thing they do is make them embarrassed about themselves and culture. This makes Blacks more compliant with their oppressors dominance of others over their lives.]"

On another note:

Once you study our tortuous and terror-filled past, you will see the miracle of a psychological transformation becoming manifest in a gradual manner. The psychological defects among us are the after effects of a monstrous war being waged against us on a daily basis. The MENTAL damage may be high, but no other people on the planet have been through what our ancestors went through ( including what we go through today). Physical and psychological casualties are the results of DAMAGED DNA that carries with it a genetic memory that haunts some of our people to this very day.,offset=80?fbclid=IwAR15CnObIgFsCyTBQqT7YEdZPmmgf0uveOqSb810o2Sr2qAVDNuPTYsrmEY


6/17/2021, 4:53 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: The Creation of IGNORANCE and APATHY

Some experts say there is no such thing as coincidence.

Synchronicity usually occurs during a deeply emotional experience that is a turning point in your life.

Synchronicity cannot be explained by classical physics.





6/23/2021, 5:36 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: The Creation of IGNORANCE and APATHY

Divine Sparks with Changes

Synchronicity is really the multiverse making you aware that your vibrations are constantly increasing and you are headed for HUGE CHANGES IN YOUR LIFE that are positive.
* YOU are experiencing a frequency that is closer to the divine consciousness.

* YOU are awakening to your true self and it's a much higher consciousness than normal.

* Create your joy from within because the physical realm is SICK with envious people who choose to tear you down.

* Lose all fears and know that your path is correct. YOUR awakening is aligning you with a higher vibrational frequency and a higher consciousness. This HUGE CHANGE is directing YOU to your true self.

YOUR DIVINE SPARK will prevail, even in the face of incredible odds, so strive to be THE TRUE YOU! #spirit #enlightenment #soul #motivation #happiness #peace #wisdom #leadership #authentic #truth #inspiration #youngpeople #emotionalintelligence #reach #energy




6/23/2021, 6:02 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: The Creation of IGNORANCE and APATHY

The majority of Caucasians see police brutality against Blacks with crossed eyes. They certainly don't see their atrocious behavior the way we do. Even when the cameras and videos show a clear cut case of police brutality (i.e. George Floyd killing and Rodney King BEATING), Police aren't found to be guilty of anything UNLESS CITIES BEGAN TO BURN. So what makes you think other killings by cops would be any different?





6/23/2021, 8:11 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: The Creation of IGNORANCE and APATHY

"The idea of personality as relatively isolated and unreflective of its social interactive history and environment, as merely motivated by purely internal motives, is an illusion. Moreover, such a concept is a dangerous myth and a psychological conspiracy perpetuated by the ruling groups in society to escape their responsibility for producing and perpetuating negative social forces which produce anti-social individuals and groups." (Wilson, 1990, p. 13)

"According to Wilson, the mass Black-on-Black violence that plagues African American communities is a learned, conditioned behavior that has become deeply embedded in the psyches and/or souls of many African American males. Wilson places emphasis on the social, political and economic realities that generate these oppressive conditions. Further he informs about interlocking institutional structures that maintain these conditions, notably government agencies, schools, churches, and media, among others. Wilson also argues in "Black-on-Black Violence" that as African Americans rightfully blame and point the finger at the social structure, the primary responsibility to end violence against the self falls on African people." (Wilson, 1990)


WE GOT SOME PEOPLE WHO ARE TECHNOLOGICAL, WITH NO HUMAN SOUL—NO LOVE, NO SPIRIT! Who, ultimately, are deadly and whose continued rule ultimately represents the death of the EARTH!

We're made to think that it's the "criminal black male" that is the threat to the world. 10,000 black muggers, killers, sellers of dope, etc., can't do to this earth what so-called civilized, sane white men have done and would do. For the greatest threat to life on earth itself . . . is the white male. Who has dedicated their whole treasury, raped and robbed the earth of its wealth, created starvation and deprivation in order to invest in the creation of DEATH MACHINES: VAST ARMIES with VAST CHEMICAL and GERM WARFARE SYSTEMS so as to DESTROY PEOPLE BY THE MILLIONS and perhaps to DESTROY LIFE ITSELF!

Yet, we've some Africans who see Europeans as someone to be emulated, lived with and used as a measure of sanity, and also see as their ultimate goal as sleeping, marrying and being a part of their society. You must recognize that if you hold your own life, the life of your loved ones and life on earth dear, you must bring an end to the rulership of this earth by white males. It's in your own self-preservative interest to do so.

More here:,offset=20#post2917



6/23/2021, 9:57 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: The Creation of IGNORANCE and APATHY


Grand Rising Harmonious People.
See These Links,offset=110



6/23/2021, 12:32 pm Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE

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