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Re: Total War by Dr. Amos Wilson



4/23/2015, 7:48 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Total War by Dr. Amos Wilson



5/12/2016, 2:14 pm Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Total War by Dr. Amos Wilson



7/1/2016, 10:06 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Total War by Dr. Amos Wilson

We are the only people who are willing to help everybody but ourselves and this can't be said enough.

If your woman or man isn’t a revolutionary, they will convince you to be a subservient sellout!

Don't allow anyone to BLOCK YOUR COSMIC duty to YOUR people and lead you down the wrong path!

Take Note:

1) They tell you they ain't African, or make SURE to tell you what they mixed with completely ignoring the fact that most likely, any "mix" came from RAPE
2) They always saying 'we' when talking about america, and will pledge allegiance to the American flag
3) They tell you that you can leave the country when you complain about the condition our people are in, and when asked about Afrika, will say,"I ain't living in no jungle"
4) They talk about how we should support gay rights, immigrant rights, and Israel's rights
5) They tell us to stop living in the past and just "get over it"
6) They call you a radical (in a bad way) and can't understand why you can't just SHUT UP AND FALL IN LINE
7) They say black entertainment television and Tyler Perry is just entertainment
8) They talk bad about natural hair and embrace Europeans hair
9) They brag about how integration helped us when its been destroying us
10) They say there is only one race and that's the human race.
11) They think rioters are 'destroying' their own neighborhoods. fool what do we own to say we destroying our stuff?
12) They defend the crackers locking us up for petty crimes and say "they shouldn't have committed it" but don't say !@#$ about how crackers commit those exact same crimes more and don't get lock up for it, or how it's THEM BRINGING THAT !@#$ IN in the first place
13)They bbq on the 4th, go to church on Easter, dress their kids for Halloween, and enjoy turkey and all the fixin's on "ThanksTaking"
14) They put jesus first before blackness (the white one)
15) They brag about their European names and act like an Afrikan name is just too damn hard to pronounce, and may even ridicule it.,offset=30?fbclid=IwAR3viOKFVPLh5UsEZveWyqaawbQe3zzvny4KTbikINCy9qJ9eBUAbkVn2wQ


Last edited by SpiritualONE, 6/22/2021, 3:53 pm


8/9/2016, 5:49 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Total War by Dr. Amos Wilson


2/4/2019, 12:09 pm Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Total War by Dr. Amos Wilson

People who have been assigned special duties on this planetary realm don't fear so-called death because living a lie is REAL DEATH while fulfilling your cosmic goals is REAL LIVING. Let ME CLARIFY the aforementioned revelation: Indwelling Intelligence assuage the fear factor in life and prepare you for battles that must be fought. But people who LIVE A LIE stay confused while they LOSE battle after battle because of FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real).
I'm one of the few people who can say that I've been in repeated battles for my life (at home and abroad) and I noticed that when I calmed down, solutions come to me quickly. Sometimes, I have to write them down. Having NO FEAR leaves me time to think. One thing that I notice while being under attack is I never show the enemy any fear. That was the key to my survival. A cool head that has no fear, will channel anger into constructive strategies. Don't allow yourself to suffer due to internalized hostility and FEAR. If this happens, you will reach the point that your SOUL becomes weaker. We must learn this valuable lesson because judging from our story, we have too many hotheads who don't think rationally when they are under attack and they grow weaker with each moment of uncontrollable RAGE! #motivation #solutions #life strategies



6/22/2019, 12:04 pm Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Total War by Dr. Amos Wilson

WE GOT SOME PEOPLE WHO ARE TECHNOLOGICAL, WITH NO HUMAN SOUL—NO LOVE, NO SPIRIT! Who, ultimately, are deadly and whose continued rule ultimately represents the death of the EARTH! We're made to think that it's the "criminal black male" that is the threat to the world. 10,000 black muggers, killers, sellers of dope, etc., can't do to this earth what so-called civilized, sane white men have done and would do. For the greatest threat to life on earth itself . . . is the white male. Who has dedicated their whole treasury, raped and robbed the earth of its wealth, created starvation and deprivation in order to invest in the creation of DEATH MACHINES: VAST ARMIES with VAST CHEMICAL and GERM WARFARE SYSTEMS so as to DESTROY PEOPLE BY THE MILLIONS and perhaps to DESTROY LIFE ITSELF! Yet, we've some Africans who see Europeans as someone to be emulated, lived with and used as a measure of sanity, and also see as their ultimate goal as sleeping, marrying and being a part of their society. You must recognize that if you hold your own life, the life of your loved ones and life on earth dear, you must bring an end to the rulership of this earth by white males. It's in your own self-preservative interest to do so.

You must recognize that European society is pathological, because “Negroes” have a difficult time of seeing white folks as crazy. YES! Because many of us use them as standards of measure; we have a difficult time of seeing them as the principal criminals on earth, with the longest criminal record of any people. It says something about consciousness though—that you can look right at something and not see it or see it for what it isn't. You look right at the death and destruction of Native Americans, Africans, Australian Aborigines and the death and destruction of every people wherever Europeans have gone and yet many of us see them as being noncriminal. IT IS AN AMAZING SITUATION! People who degrade us in every possible way and yet many of us see them as non-pathological. WHAT A TRICK ON CONSCIOUSNESS!? But of course, the statement is often made that in order for us to be in the condition we're in, we had to have been ROBBED OF OUR COMMON SENSE! In order for us to be in the condition we're in, we must have lost our capacity to see the obvious; it wouldn't be possible for us to be in the shape we're in if we had the power just to see what's right in front of our eyes. We must see it for what it isn't.

People often talk about the abused child, and we can go on and talk about the symptoms of abused children and people who've been abused: sexually, physically and otherwise. We can talk about how people abused as children, strangely and paradoxically enough, are more likely to enter into abusive relationships as adults. It is as if the abuser somehow has infected the one abused with his or her disease. It seems as if people who have been abused are attracted to and by abuse. This is one of the paradoxes we wrestle with in psychology and psychiatry. We can talk about people who have been abused are often self-alienating or self-hating. We often, then, apply this understanding to ourselves as African people. We talk about our SELF-ALIENATION, SELF-HATRED, SELF-DESTRUCTIVENESS. However, we often forget that Europeans who have and are abusing us are as pathological as "we are." In other words, the European abuser is pathological to begin with for if they were normal, they wouldn't have abused us in the first place. Therefore, for a people to abuse and degrade us and do the things we talk about day in and day out, it means that they themselves are pathological: self-alienating and ultimately self-destroying. But we forget about that. After they do all of these things to us, we still somehow perceive them as being psychologically healthy. YOU'VE TO BE SICK (MANIPULATED) TO THINK THAT WAY! A lot of this has to do with the fact that they're in a position (POWER) to manipulate our consciousness so that their SICKNESS (COLONIZING) can be perceived as HEALTH and our attempts to gain health (FREEDOM) can be perceived as sickness.

We have a people, then, WHO'VE THE POWER TO "REDEFINE SIN" when it comes to them, to make it look like goodness. And to make Africans think when we're being good (REVOLUTIONARY) we're really sinning. A people who make their criminality "legitimate" and then pretend that they're not criminals. That is what POWER can do for you: you make the law then you legitimize your misbehavior and then you tell people that your misbehavior is legal. So, the Europeans' criminality (COLONIZATION) is hidden behind "THE LAW": behind rules and regulations. We see it in South Africa today (1994) and saw it with the Native Americans: Europeans go in, rob and kill native peoples and steal their land and then they write a constitution and set up a bunch of laws that “legitimate” their thievery and when those native peoples seek to get their lands back, they're criminalized and called lawbreakers and outlaws. And now, they gotta get their wealth (LAND) back according to European laws. So, we are faced with that in South African today: Africans gotta go to a South African court run by a bunch of European thieves (and African conspirators) to get their own land back. However, what amazes me is that Africans are willing to abide by that because we say . . . IT'S LEGAL! Therefore, the Europeans who stole the land and wrote the rules couldn't be criminals. IT'S AN AMAZING GAME! Of course, that is why they wanna rob us of the ability to be abstract: rob us of the ability to be critical and analytical so we can't see through the games. SO, THE EUROPEAN COLONIZING CRIMINALS HIDE THEIR CRIMINALITY BEHIND LAWS! – Dr. Amos Wilson


6/22/2019, 12:47 pm Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Total War by Dr. Amos Wilson

Image*A house slave, the kind of slave that is the closest to the master. The most flexible type of slave (Urban dictionary) The one that would sell out his own race for recognition of the master."

On another note:

“American society can be described as crimogenic because it denies its commission of these sins, and to add insult to injury, attempts to rationalize and justify its sinful behavior toward Afrikan Americans by impugning and slandering their ethnocultural origin and character, blaming them for their socioeconomic, sociopolitical oppression, and by continuing to actively oppose their inherent right to be free, self-defining and self-determining.” Dr. Amos N. Wilson.,offset=70,offset=100,offset=50

Imagine a people so hopelessly contaminated and so pathetically stupid that they defend their historical enemies' EVIL WAYS and they promote their own GENOCIDE by leading their people into an insidious slaughter.,offset=90

Last edited by SpiritualONE, 6/22/2021, 4:01 pm


6/22/2019, 12:51 pm Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Total War by Dr. Amos Wilson

Looking Back To October 2017:

Three things were reconfirmed over the weekend:

Meat and cheese lovers will definitely get tumors (some cancerous).

High blood pressure medications can lead to strokes (do the research)

Stubborn people who lack knowledge and are apathetically ignorant will suffer and die early.

An addendum:

I do KNOW that I have reached this point in life:

- One who has successfully passed through the various trials, temptations, and battles inherent in the initiation process, and can truly “walk and work” in both worlds, and act as a reliable guide. One who guides and initiates the next generation.
- Holds the culture’s connection to Sacred History, ancestral wisdom. #life #know #wisdom #divine #awakening #enlightenment #health #wellness #research #healing #harmony — with Elijah Grant.



6/22/2019, 1:03 pm Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Total War by Dr. Amos Wilson

THESE WHITES, AS THEY TALK ABOUT DRUGS AND SO FORTH, WILL NOT REMOVE DRUGS & CRIMINALITY FROM THE AFRICAN COMMUNITY! We have such futile discussions going on now (1988) about ending drugs and about the “War on Drugs.” IT'S A WASTE OF TIME! It's not going to be solved by white men and white people altogether. The only people who're going to solve drug problems and the problem of criminality in the African community and world are African people ourselves. WHY!? One of the reasons is that the white man and whites NEED the African man and Africans to be criminal (self-defeating and self-destructive). European "civilization" is based, in part, on the criminalization (politico-socioeconomic internal disorganization of African societies) of African men and African people. Why is it that every African man specifically (and African people generally), regardless of his moral or ethical standings, regardless of his innocence, is perceived as a criminal? Why is it that he almost always has to prove his innocence, particularly to Europeans (and others)?

If this is the case, then, that must mean that there is a NEED in European men and Europeans collectively (and others) to see us as criminals. That, seeing Africans as criminals, whether we're criminals or not, must then meet (alongside their politico-socioeconomic benefits) some psychological NEED within their personality (racist projection and self-image). Therefore, the criminalization of African men and Africans is a NECESSITY because it serves European men and Europeans (and other) power and dominance. The putting of nearly half-million African men in prison (now an estimated 841,000 African males and 64,800 African females) in this country (USA) is a very important factor in preserving European men and Europeans power and dominance in this society and the world altogether. Because the Europeans (and others) know that if these men were free in the true sense of the word, if they had the true use of their minds and bodies, if they had a true African identity (integrated), if they were truly connected to their people (culturally-identified), the gig would be up for Europeans (and other exploiters of Africans).

Therefore, the criminalization (politico-socioeconomic disorganization) of African men and African people becomes a NECESSITY of European (and other) power and dominance. Because it justifies the mistreatment of African men and African people, and many of the hideous acts/crimes committed against the African community and the name of controlling crime (establishing peace/democracy). Equally important, this racist projection of African men and Africans as criminals by European men and Europeans (and others to a lesser extent) also justifies (assuages) Europeans' ego (severely bruised and evidently self-deceptive). And, it also helps European men and Europeans jointly to DARE define (delusively) himself and themselves with their scandalous and barbarous record of genocidal attacks and oppression against others, particularly Africans, as morally pure and ethically superior. Therefore, European men and Europeans conjointly, then, can look (misleadingly) at himself and themselves in contrast to African men and Africans. Consequently, European men and Europeans NEED African men and Africans as a part of their inflated SELF-DEFINITION: ILLUSION OF SUPERIORITY! – Dr. Amos Wilson (1988)



7/3/2019, 8:15 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE

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