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Re: Have You Ever Had A Dream Come True?

"BE Outstanding: Stand apart from the crowded lane of mediocrity. Shine deeply in honor of your uniqueness."


"All you poor all you needy
All you're doin' is givin' to the greedy "

People who don’t believe in Karma hasn’t thoroughly considered the CONSEQUENCES OF IGNORANCE AND APATHY. It is with that thought in mind:I don't expect the masses to see the things I have seen that I know to be TRUE. I write that because I have always been told by many Elders that I would see things that others cannot see UNTIL IT HAPPENS! #divine #awakening #meditation #enlightenment #mind #yourlife #soul #wellness #stronger #health #harmony #motivation #happiness #everything #authentic #psychology #leadership #teach #fearless #wisdom #peace #energy #inspiration #truth #purpose #control #reach #justice


An addendum:

Some of our Enlightened Elders are experiencing a huge shift of consciousness along with an awesome multiversal interdimensional metaphysical transformation.Those who remain confused by our authentic identity will feel:

Interdimensional entanglements

Loss of concentration

Uncertainty about purpose and goals of our physical existence.


“We are co-creating spiritual beings, inhabiting physical bodies, to have occasional human experiences of multidimensional creation and manifestation.”


After Visiting The Lynching Memorial Site in Montgomery Alabama, I KNOW every family in Brown Skinned Uniforms Have Been Through TERROR!

An addendum:

This portions of text quoted here are from Chapter 7, titled "POPULATION."On page 167 of the book, under the sub-heading "Ends and Means of Population Policy," appears the following analysis (emphasis in original):

[T]here is no doubt that the overwhelming majority of white Americans desire that there be as few Negroes as possible in America. If the Negroes could be eliminated from America or greatly decreased in numbers, this would meet the whites' approval -- provided that it could be accomplished by means which are also approved. Correspondingly, an increase of the proportion of Negroes in the American population is commonly looked upon as undesirable.",offset=80?fbclid=IwAR1BK6Rwh6E1UPSSiob08PsXIoqjB9KQWNbWG9HtiVLeFwWw_Gqln9Z2u8w


Last edited by SpiritualONE, 6/15/2021, 8:03 am


7/12/2019, 12:48 pm Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Have You Ever Had A Dream Come True?

Read and Research It For Yourself:
"The hospital is a very strategic opening, for example and should be fully utilized. The food supply channel should be used. We have developed excellent slow killing poisons and fertility destroyers. Our only fear is in case such stuff came in to their hands as they are bound to start using it against us if you care to think of the many Blacks working for us in our houses.
However, we are doing the best we can to make sure that the stuff remains strictly in our hands. Secondly, most Blacks are vulnerable to money inducements. I have set aside a special fund to exploit this venue. The old trick of divide and rule is still very valid today. Our experts should work day and night to set the Black man against his fellowman. His inferior sense of morals can be exploited beautifully. And here is a creature that lacks foresight."

Ultimately, our destiny will be our own making and not dependent on other forces.

I wrote this 25 years ago:
Resurrection from Despair
I need to be resurrected from despair.
I feel as though I am a victim in need of repair.
I feel unloved, and unhappy.
My pockets are empty and my feelings are crappy.
I crave friendship that money can't buy.
I feel guilty and I'll tell you why.
I lost hope and I didn't believe in myself.
I needed a doctor but too poor to get help.
I went to church but I felt I didn't fit.
People seemed phony, was I a hypocrite?
I began to fast and I began to pray.
I asked my creator to show me the way.
It took years and I suffered so much.
My burden grew heavier and I became out of touch.
Tears in my eyes blinded my sight.
I feel victimized and too tired to fight.
I grabbed a bottle of alcohol nearby.
My pain was so great, I believed I should die.
I struggle blindly to search for some real meaning.
I cry for help but no one hears me screaming.
Am I that bad that I can't save myself?
Or is the world cruel and no hope left?
I remember what my mother has said.
Without God in your life, you're as good as being dead.
This great suffering is a heck of a test.
I read a lot of books but my mind is a pest.
I have become my own enemy inside of my mind.
All because of the evils that pervade mankind.
I realized to myself I must be true.
Hypocrisy destroys us but prayer heals too.
I need to avoid the evils of today.
Cleansing my soul, I began to pray.
I declared to God that I felt so ashamed.
I was at fault but I called out your name.
If I can change my wicked ways, will you give me a chance?
I will resurrect others who are victims of romance.
Victims of selfishness, and victims of pleasure.
Victims of taunts that are too extreme to measure.
Victims of corruption, victims of hate.
Victims of destruction before it's too late.
Victims of ignorance, victims of fear.
Victims of poverty that occurs every year.
Victims of insanity, victims of unemployment.
Victims of an atmosphere that produces no enjoyment.
Victims of selfishness, and victims of greed.
Victims of domestic violence, victims of disease.
Victims of loneliness, victims of other crimes.
God, I will help, if you find the time.
I feel like a failure, I feel so powerless.
I pray dear lord that you help me with this mess.
I want to be happy for the rest of my life.
I want to enjoy my children and give them a good life.
Love myself more so I wont feel so sad.
After all God, am I really that bad?
I resurrect my dreams that I will hear from you again.
Because after all lord, you are the main man.
Suddenly I feel a burst of energy.
Is this your powerful love shining down on me?
Can I now go out and be what you expected?
I remember a time when you KEPT ME PROTECTED.
I won't forget the lessons that you taught.
I won't give into temptation and I will never be bought.
All I need God is for you to stay CONNECTED.
I'm through with despair, I DECLARE MYSELF RESURRECTED!
Written by: Dr. Grant, Naturopath, *POET*, Metaphysician & Philosopher.
* Create your joy from within because the physical realm is SICK with envious people who choose to tear you down.
* Lose all fears and know that your path is correct. YOUR awakening is aligning you with a higher vibrational frequency and a higher consciousness. This HUGE CHANGE is directing YOU to your true self.
YOUR DIVINE SPARK will prevail, even in the face of incredible odds, so strive to be THE TRUE YOU! #health #REALVIBRATIONS
Many prophecies have been made about the world and I'm glad to say that in the future *TRUTH* in every form will reign supreme. There have always been cycles of suffering for people of goodwill since ruthless barbarians arrived on the scene with nothing but murder, greed, and sex on their minds, but their dominating ways will began to backfire. As time go on you will began to see more natural catastrophes destroy what these immoral creatures have built. By that I mean that you will see more earthquakes, floods, tornadoe and fires raging out of control. More planes will crash and more trains will derail. Diseases will spread rapidly among them and they will be more cancer-ridden than ever before. The sun is about to take the B.S. out of their white supremacy CRAP.
I don't expect the masses to see the things I have seen that I know to be TRUE. I write that because I have always been told by many Elders that I would see things that others cannot see UNTIL IT HAPPENS! #PropheticallyEnlightenedElderDr.E.

An excerpt from P.W. Botha's Speech in 1985:

" I wish to announce a number of new strategies that should be put to use to destroy this Black bug. We should now make use of the chemical weapon. Priority number one, we should not by all means allow any more increases of the Black population lest we be choked very soon. I have exciting news that our scientists have come with an efficient stuff. I am sending out more researchers to the field to identify as many venues as possible where the chemical weapons could be employed to combat any further population increases. The hospital is a very strategic opening, for example and should be fully utilized."

Some people are actually comfortable on the education plantation.

Daily Memo:

The truth is my guiding principle, and I shall not ignore it.
It gives me an innerpeace, when confusion is all around me.
It reminds me to relax, focus and concentrate, before I speak in anger.
It restores my sanity and create strategies to grow spiritually.
It guides my thought pattern so that I don't look like an egotistical fool.
Even though I face an absurd amount of criticisms, I will take it in stride.
Because I know my mission in life and the TRUTH is: life isn't just about me, it's about setting a GREAT example for our children to follow!
Thank you! From Dr. Elijah Grant,offset=0

Vaccines contain horrible contaminants from around the planet that should NEVER be injected into human bodies. There is no safe amount of mercury that can be injected, whether ethyl or methyl. No human, especially Jews after what happened in Germany, should be slow-walked into getting vaccines that alter your genes to produce proteins and prions that mimic deadly viruses. Think about it for a minute. Let it sink in. Pharma. Nazi. Chemo. Hitler. Chemical Pesticides. Bayer. Gas Chambers. GMO. Covid-19. Protein payload and mRNA Vaccines.Preventing panic and killing the “impaired” first


Last edited by SpiritualONE, 7/26/2021, 8:47 am


9/7/2020, 4:06 pm Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Registered: 02-2004
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Re: Have You Ever Had A Dream Come True?

Afrikan Scholar

The goal of white domination is to keep Black people in a state of perpetual ignorance.

The truth is my guiding principle, and I shall not ignore it.
It gives me an innerpeace, when confusion is all around me.
It reminds me to relax, focus and concentrate, before I speak in anger.
It restores my sanity and create strategies to grow spiritually.
It guides my thought pattern so that I don't look like an egotistical fool.
Even though I face an absurd amount of criticisms, I will take it in stride.
Because I know my mission in life and the TRUTH is: life isn't just about me, it's about setting a GREAT example for our children to follow!
Thank you! From Dr. Elijah Grant.


Serenity in the face of disappointment is a sign of MATURITY and WISDOM. ----- Cosmic Karma.

Also see:



People who don’t believe in Karma hasn’t thoroughly considered the CONSEQUENCES OF IGNORANCE AND APATHY. It is with that thought in mind:

I don't expect the masses to see the things I have seen that I know to be TRUE. I write that because I have always been told by many Elders that I would see things that others cannot see UNTIL IT HAPPENS!

There are many people who suffer from memory loss and they seem to forget items they are searching for when they travel from one room to the next. What is the cause? Are You losing your mind? The answer is yes and no. Your brain requires that you properly nourish it and when you don't do this, it begins to shrink and lose its ability to function properly. Many people are suffering from mental illness, memory loss, and Alzheimer disease because of this. On the other hand, the brain does have the potential to regenerate itself once its provided with sufficient nutrients. You will notice a difference in your psychological well being when you eat properly and exercise the brain.

Never expect justice from people who can't see the wrongdoings in their existence

“American society can be described as crimogenic because it denies its commission of these sins, and to add insult to injury, attempts to rationalize and justify its sinful behavior toward Afrikan Americans by impugning and slandering their ethnocultural origin and character, blaming them for their socioeconomic, sociopolitical oppression, and by continuing to actively oppose their inherent right to be free, self-defining and self-determining.” Dr. Amos N. Wilson.,offset=70,offset=100,offset=50

Imagine a people so hopelessly contaminated and so pathetically stupid that they defend their historical enemy EVIL WAYS and they promote their own GENOCIDE by leading their people into an insidious slaughter.,offset=90,offset=130

CDC: 3,005 Recorded Deaths in VAERS Following COVID-19 Experimental “Vaccines” – More than Total Vaccine Deaths for Past 13+ Years,offset=110

It's up and running!!!!!

I'll add more later.

"The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them. At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware of this. He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests."

#1. COVID 19 INJECTIONS aren't vaccines. They are mRNA injected into you with other poisons. There is NO REASONABLE RATIONALE for accepting poison from your HISTORICAL ENEMY (no debate PERIOD on this one).Welcome to HERD MENTALITY where the Stockholm Syndrome, Cognitive Dissonance, Mentacide, and Chattel Slavery still exist. These conditions are enhanced by Sodium Fluoride in the water, GMO foods, toxic chemicals, diseases, mental illness CHEMTRAILS and plantation education.

YOUR GOVERNMENT and the OLIGARCHY" Suppressed or ignored disease cures in cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's, cot-death, infections, arthritis, heart disease etc, as these Tyrant run on Power & money fueled by fear of disease, propaganda & its covert monopoly.Ego denial helps keep IT in power. This Empress, when naked, is Satanic (vaccination: 666) & run by psychopaths. One of the main money sources for the so-called Elite, hence its power. Just like most soldiers have no idea about the real reasons for wars like Iraq, most medical workers have no idea Allopathy is run purely for profit, and is out to harm and kill--- most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, they will fight to protect it.1 . To see its true nature exposed see one of its main rackets--Cancer.]" The Medical Mafia: How to Get Out of it Alive and Take Back Our Health and Wealth Paperback – December, 1995




Last edited by SpiritualONE, 7/29/2021, 7:22 am


10/25/2020, 8:47 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Have You Ever Had A Dream Come True?

“ANCESTRAL SPIRITS, TRUE DIVINITY AND DEDICATION to our future (the children) are factors in my passion for TRUTH! Preachers and Pastors have proven to me that they are pimping the ignorant and the gullible.
I (Elijah Grant) went after Illinois singlehandedly when I was harassed by the state and local government because:
*I couldn't find any organization or person that would help me with my Federal cases (I checked with every Black group in existence at the time--1993) so I had to do all the legal research, writing, and paying all the fees myself. I was studying for 18 hours per day sometimes and I even tried to get students from Kent Law School to help. The students wanted to help but their professor at the law school was scared of the political element of my case. In essence, he was a supporter of political corruption that endorsed the destruction of young Afrikan men and women in prisons. This part of my life was the most enlightening of all. I found out that many schools of law and the so-called government and the agencies it supported were all corrupt to their core. I also found out that the judicial branch of the federal government was the biggest joke of all when it came to protecting our rights as so-called citizens of this country.
I later found out that "citizens" wasn't the term used for Afrikans. Plus I found out that the Equal Protection Statutes meant very little in their court system.
I've been on a one man crusade for the longest time! I've been sounding the warnings (ABOUT OUR GENOCIDE) in every way possible!
Most People Don't Know That I Sued the State of Illinois (and the Governor) Several Times. Check out the following:

92 F. 3d 1187 - Grant v. R Edgar
Home92 F3d 1187 Grant V. R Edgar
92 F.3d 1187
Elijah GRANT, Plaintiff-Appellant,
Governor James R. EDGAR, Thomas P. Roth, David Pfoltner,
Allen Renkosik, Terry Tovrea, Robert J. Acosta,
Clark A. Wade, and Howard A. Peters,
III, Defendants-Appellees.
No. 94-3109.
United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit.
Submitted Dec. 18, 1995.*
Decided July 23, 1996.
NOTICE: Seventh Circuit Rule 53(b)(2) states unpublished orders shall not be cited or used as precedent ...”


“American society can be described as crimogenic because it denies its commission of these sins, and to add insult to injury, attempts to rationalize and justify its sinful behavior toward Afrikan Americans by impugning and slandering their ethnocultural origin and character, blaming them for their socioeconomic, sociopolitical oppression, and by continuing to actively oppose their inherent right to be free, self-defining and self-determining.” Dr. Amos N. Wilson.,offset=60


Last edited by SpiritualONE, 10/4/2021, 8:15 am


12/21/2020, 2:32 pm Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Have You Ever Had A Dream Come True?

Remember, how people treat you reveals their KARMA

People of Afrikan Ancestry Have Been Programmed To Mistrust Each Other and The Evidence of this FACT is OVERWHELMING!

Don't get caught up in the bad karma of people without a moral conscience!

Most people will laugh at the idea of Karmic Retribution because they are too myopic and too programmed (by European ideas) to grasp the long range consequences of their actions (or lack of it). But when disease, death, discomfort and loss of love ones occur, it will be TOO LATE for them to learn from their mistakes. Those who LEARN FROM WHAT THEY DO WRONG make the necessary corrections in their lives.


Your ignorance of the divine law is what causes MOST SUFFERING! Acting on divine guidance rather than ego creates better karma.


BLOOD clots isn't the only thing caused by SPIKE PROTEINS (in excess). Some people are in a state of neurological degeneration (brain shrinkage and weakened blood vessels) and it will be very difficult to help them. “The SPIKE protein plays a crucial role in penetrating host cells and initiating infection.” It also damages the cells in the lining of the blood vessel walls which leads to blood clots, bleeding, massive inflammation and death.


"Think about that for a minute. This is a very big deal, in fact, this is the critical piece of the puzzle that has been missing for the last 15 months. Just as the respiratory virus concealed the real killing-agent in Covid, (the spike protein) so too, the relentless hype surrounding mass-vaccination has concealed the glaring problem with the vaccines themselves, which is, they generate a substance that is “capable of causing disease.”


Let’s cut to the chase: These aren’t vaccines; they’re a spike-protein delivery-system. Regrettably, 140 million Americans have already been injected with them which means we can expect a dramatic uptick in debilitating medical conditions including blood clotting, bleeding, autoimmune disease, thrombosis in the brain, stroke and heart attack. The vast human wreckage we are now facing is incalculable.

Has there ever been a greater threat to humanity than the Covid vaccine?

 Just look at what happened with the use of other vaccines that were declared safe:


Last edited by SpiritualONE, 6/25/2021, 3:23 am


1/6/2021, 10:00 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Have You Ever Had A Dream Come True?

Flu shot (including COVID 19) is dangerous. It’s no coincident that Hank Aaron passed away 2 weeks after getting vaccinated! HPV is just as contaminated! "No vaccine improves immunity; they destroy immunity. Chicken Pox vaccine is totally unsafe; the ingredients are
white sugar, Thimersol (poisonous mercury), fetal bovine serum (cattle pus),
EDTA, neomycin, Varicella Zoster Virus (herpes), hydrolyzed gelatin (pork,beef), MRC-5 cells, sodium chloride (salt), potassium chloride, monosodium
glutamate ( cancer), potassium phosphate monobasic, sodium phosphate dibasic, protein (pork, beet) & unspecified chemicals.
The diseases that Caucasian medicine claims to have eradicated has nothing to do with the use of drug medicine or vaccinations."

See all my videos here. I Talk about the Haitian and Afrikan plight at the Mexican border here.

"After viewing all the evidence over the past 50 years, there is no doubt we are dealing with a people (aka YURUGU) with a lack of firmness in good judgment. This poor behavior, which is indicative of their moral decline, illustrate their deficient nature. Their monstrous display of violent tendencies is shown to us repeatedly throughout their contact with people all over the world. There is NO CLEAR SIGN these proclivities or inclinations will ever change. Their degenerative minds are a THREAT to all people who wish to live in peace." Prophetically Enlightened Elder Dr. E.


Disintegration by Vaccinations
A new concoction has hit the market
Young girls as young as 9 is the target
A cancer cure, or so they say
These demons create it so YOU have to pay
Merck is the company that markets this mess
I guess killing with vioxx made them care less
Sixty thousand dead and the number is growing
Feds are endorsing genocide without us knowing
They call this new crap Gardasil
If you get sick, that means a slow kill
Three hundred million dollars has been put aside by the feds
Who are they kidding, they prefer many of us dead.
Will you fall victim to the latest deathtrap
Or will you awaken from nap 😴 See Less


Last edited by SpiritualONE, 9/25/2021, 7:55 am


2/1/2021, 11:18 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Have You Ever Had A Dream Come True?


"The Book of Coming Forth By Day"

The eternal soul comes to earth to learn certain lessons and to become purified. In the process of evolution, virtues and vices are experienced by us based upon our own mental disposition. Our purity of heart determines the situation and outcomes of those situations. Through repeated embodiments (reincarnation) we are led by our own soul to experience the act of living. Attempting all the time to find that ultimate absolute bliss, which eliminate all pain.

When the spirit (our innermost self) is ready to make the final journey home, it will be led back to its original source. "

"REMEMBER, mental purification requires the utmost patience with ourselves."

Prophetically Enlightened Elder Dr. E.

Last edited by SpiritualONE, 1/28/2023, 5:53 am


2/11/2021, 8:32 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Re: Have You Ever Had A Dream Come True?

I wrote this over 25 years ago:1. Getting past the slave mentality:What we must do to change our thinking is enlighten each other with positive information about ourselves so that we can rid ourselves of the shame based dehumanization process that was inflicted on us and our ancestors in the past. We must remember it (the suffering) and LEARN FROM IT; but we must began each day anew. Shame causes us to sometimes be mentally lazy. As former servants to an ungrateful nation, we can free ourselves from shame by analyzing it.The shame is in the ravages of the dehumanizing process used during slavery and the deliberate and systematic DEHUMANIZATION and marginalization that perpetually plagues US as a people. Think about it. We are trained to believe that we are inferior and even Afrikan leaders (which are consistently ministers) have been recognizing it by implicitly accepting the bogus claim that the Ultimate Human Incarnation of Jesus as being a whiteman.This theological concept is one of the driving forces behind racist brain-contamination of the Afrikan mind. The sad thing is that we fall for this crap while ignoring Western culture's ignominious past. It is sanctimonious to continually worship this false image of a righteous teacher, yet we unwittingly endorse this practice with our silence. Do we have any courage at all when it comes to correcting the wrongs of the CHURCH in a wicked society?All the evidence I have witnessed says that we don't have the courage. I hope I am wrong in this observation because the CHURCH definitely needs REFORM.Secondly, of all the institutions in THE WORLD, the church has been the MOST ineffective. The gospels are misinterpreted by the church to numb the minds of people rather than awaken and cultivate their spirituality. You can never rest on just belief alone. The gospels are radical in their teachings because Jesus (whom some claim NEVER EXISTED) was a revolutionary radical. He was changing the world wherever he went because he challenged the status quo that allowed discrimination, bigotry, poverty, and other injustices.There were murder plots against Jesus-- even in India (according to some stories). The most shocking facet of the plots were WHO WAS BEHIND THEM!?! The organized CHURCH. If the church was really a proponent of revolutionary change, we wouldn't be as powerless as we believe.Another important opinion that I would like to submit to you is the fact that BELIEF does NOT preclude the possibility of experiencing SHAME. An example of this shame can be illustrated in US. We are people, who for the most part, obey the law, live a law-abiding life, and we are still embarrassed by policemen who harass, neglect, arrest, and kill us for little or no reason at all. Some of us are living in SHAME. A shame-based existence that says that something in the SKY will save us one day. This is the biggest MYTH that has crowded our minds. It's so illogical that you have to be mentally challenged to believe this crap. This mental illness has been maintained by our illustrious leadership that has been bought and paid for with white supremacy dollars.Many so-called PREACHERS aren't the only crooks, perverts and liars in the pulpit; CATHOLIC priests are their TEACHERS throughout history. With these facors in mind, LUST, GREED and DECEPTION run rampant in the christian ministry (catholics and other clergy included). When I hear a ministers saying that if you don't tithe, you won't connect with God. That means (to me) that no matter how many poor people you help, you won't have goodness or God within you. This is truly laughable.In the meantime, we allow terrorists, who hide behind the law, to ruin our life and thus far we have proven ourselves to be powerless to change police tactics. They humiliate, smear, stigmatize, murder and disgraced us on a daily basis.This shame-based existence is reinforced daily because a powerless people (without a GOD CONSCIOUSNESS) cannot see a solution to this injustice. They expect someone else or some MYSTERIOUS FORCE to find a solution for them. This SPOOKY FORCE is all powerful. So powerful that we are willing to suffer and allow our children to suffer because we are too cowardly to look WITHIN OURSELVES and see GOD'S CONSCIOUSNESS. In essence, A God that looks likeus. We can't see this WEALTH OF TALENT because we are blinded by Eurocentric ignorance and materialism.We've got to stop trying to be like our oppressors because they are truly sick and this society is sick with so-called white supremacy.Anyone who doesn't know this is out of their rabbit-size mind!!!!!In regards to spirituality, we must also consider the following:One of the most invaluable lessons in my life has come from studying people, religion, spirituality, history, and science. I've noticed that many of us are being deceived by the distortions of all of these things. In order to correct these inaccuracies, we must seek the truth on our own, but we cannot know the truth if we deal too much in ILLUSION. Some of us will use these ILLUSIONS to deceive ourselves in order to gain an advantage. This act, within itself, is self defeating. It is self defeating because it gives us a false sense of security and this false interpretation of reality can lead many of us down a path of self imposed ignorance.According to "Survival Strategies for African Americans" by Anthony T. Browder, the inhabitants of every society on earth have used mythology and symbolism in an attempt to understand the unexplainable events that have shaped their lives and influenced their destiny. Myths and symbols are the foundations on which ideals are fashioned and unite a people around a common truth and understanding. Every religion or religious movement centers on the deification of a person and that person's attempt to introduce specific metaphysical laws to followers.There are certain physical and metaphysical constants within the universe which are experienced by all people. Their ethnic and cultural orientation determines how people respond to or interpret the universal constants. The many religions that have shaped the thinking of billions of people worldwide evolved out of this process. Each represents a methodology by which a follower can return to the Creator/God and achieve everlasting life.The desire to understand God and find a suitable way to worship the creator in order to secure the afterlife, has been the Achilles heal of many religious followers. Those who have sought power and control over others have used religion for political, social, economic, and nationalistic purposes. As a result, some religions have moved away from their original intent, which was the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment, and have used fear and violenceas a means to amass wealth and power.Spiritual enlightenment represents a way of knowing the Creator (whatever s/he maybe) by understanding the manifestations of God that exist within the environment. All life is seen as embodying an aspect of the creator. By knowing these aspects, one would come to know the Creator. This is the basic truth taught by many religious prophets who first sought spiritual enlightment and then taught others how to attain it. Unfortunately, what hashappened throughout the ages is that after the prophets died, they became the way, and their teachings were obscured by dogma.Metaphorically, religion is to spirituality as a bucket is to a well. Religion is an instrument or vessel that allows a person to access the source of life, but it is not the source. Many messengers not only guided their followers to the wellspring of life, they also taught them that source flows from within. Each person was deemed a vessel through which the spirit flows. The degree of spirit that a person was able to access was determined by one'sthoughts and deeds. When a person's thoughts were balanced and in harmony with their actions, blessings would flow in abundance, and they would achieve health, happiness, and prosperity.Over the centuries, the teachings were obscured by self-serving individuals who would have you believe that you must go through them in order to access what is already yours. Be aware of these individuals. Do not be afraid to seek the truth and ask questions of those who claim to hold the keys to your salvation. The nature of creation is such that you will always receive that which you truly seek and desire within your heart.Portions of this was taken from Anthony Browder's book, "The Browder File"Also see:


Last edited by SpiritualONE, 2/27/2021, 10:24 am


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Re: Have You Ever Had A Dream Come True?

You Don't Have to LOOK for KARMA; it will FIND you!

People who don’t believe in Karma hasn’t thoroughly considered the CONSEQUENCES OF IGNORANCE AND APATHY. It is with that thought in mind:
I don't expect the masses to see the things I have seen that I know to be TRUE. I write that because I have always been told by many Elders that I would see things that others cannot see UNTIL IT HAPPENS!
You Won't SEE it COMING!!!!
Most POWERFUL poetry of TODAY.



3/3/2021, 8:52 am Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE
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Registered: 02-2004
Posts: 25390
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Re: Have You Ever Had A Dream Come True?

If I get vaccinated:
1.- Can I stop wearing the mask?
- No
2.- Can they reopen restaurants etc and everyone work normally?
- No
3.- Will I be resistant to covid?
- Maybe, but we don't know exactly, it probably won't stop you getting it
4.- At least I won't be contagious to others anymore?
- no you can still pass it on, possibly, nobody knows.
5.- If we vaccinate all children, will school resume normally?
- No
6.- If I am vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?
- No
7.- If I am vaccinated, can I stop disinfecting my hands?
- No
8.- If I vaccinate myself and my grandfather, can we hug each other?
- No
9.- Will cinemas, theatres and stadiums be reopened thanks to vaccines?
- No
10.- Will the vaccinated be able to gather?
- No
11.- What is the real benefit of vaccination?
- The virus won't kill you.
12.- Are you sure it won't kill me?
- No
13.- If statistically the virus didn't kill me anyway ... Why would I get vaccinated?"
- To protect others.
14.- So if I get vaccinated, the others are 100% sure I'm not infecting them?
- No
So the shot does not give immunity.
Does not eliminate the virus.
Does not prevent death.
Does not guarantee you won’t get it.
Does not prevent you from getting it.
Does not stop you passing it on
Does not eliminate the need for travel bans.
Does not eliminate the need for business closures.
Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns.
Does not eliminate the need for masking.
*So...what the hell is the Vaccine actually doing?*

"The Corona Virus Causes Nothing But The Common Cold and ALL the Medical Literature Confirms This Fact!" Dr. Lorraine Day.

"Vaccines contain Mercury and Aluminum (and other poisons) and Damages the Liver and VACCINES DON'T WORK."

“Radiation causes DNA DAMAGE & cancer (this fact is beyond debate)”


3/11/2021, 4:26 pm Link to this post Send Email to SpiritualONE   Send PM to SpiritualONE

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